CD-R for a VCD player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows which brand is best to play on an VCD player. I have a SL-VP43 Panasonic Portable VCD player. Yet, I haven't been able to play burned VCD. Before, when I use TDK cd-r (for 32x) , it worked fine. But now, they came out with TDK CD-R (for 48x) and my VCD player can't play it properly *the screen freezes for 1s from times to times, and it is very annoying.

Can anyone help?? Thank you very much!!!

-- Midori (, February 12, 2003


This is a good question. I'm surprised that you say that the 32x media worked fine on your portable. I tried 2 different portable VCD players and I couldn't find any combination of media and burners that either one would play without stuttering. I can't really help, but I have a suggestion if you want to do some research. I don't remember the name of it, but there's some site in the UK that talks about CD-R discs and the dye they use and does some comparisions. You might see if you can find out if TDK uses a different dye in the 48x CD-Rs then they did in the 32x ones and see if you can find another brand that uses the same dye the 32x discs used. The different dyes reflect back differently and it may be that the 32x discs used a dye that reflected back at an optimal value for your player. I must admit that I never tried TDK CD-Rs on the 2 portables I had access to. Good luck.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), February 12, 2003.

So, you couldn't play any burned VCD on either of your portable VCD player?

UK you know how I can searched for it? I tried on Yahoo, but didn't have any luck...

Thanks a lot!!

-- Midori (, February 12, 2003.

never got problems whit my customers

i use this one

FWS (2x-48x) 80 minute CDR in Packs of 50

you can find it at

also great price and great delivery if you order before 14:00 you recive it next day

if not sure ask them they test all media and they can help you for sure i'm duing business whit this company over a year now and they have a great customers service you can send e-mail or call them direct on the phone

how this help you

-- jpp (, February 18, 2003.

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