Does anyone know if there is a fruits basket special? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

If there is..... could u please tell me where to download it? Thank you very much.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2003


There is a special and the only place that I've found it was on Kazaa, go there that surely you'll find. Please share it because this ANIME is one of the best and almost nobody knows it ;)

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2003

Don't worry! I'm currently sharing my fruits basket episodes. I LOVE fruits basket!

-- Anonymous, February 12, 2003

the special that is in kazaa is just a "Making Of" the series so it has nothing really to do with the anime except for that it promotes Fruits Basket befor it was aired in japan...

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2003

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