Informal night O' at SMP this Thursday (2/13) : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

We'll do some informal night O' practice at Shawnee Mission Park on Thursday (2/13). Meet at the main entrance at 6 p.m. (I think it is dark enough for night O' by a few minutes after 6 these days).

Bring your own map. (I'll try to have a few extras).

The course will be designed for advanced orienteers. You should be doing the red course regularly.

-- Michael (, February 09, 2003


I spent a bit of time this evening designing a course for tomorrow night. I'm not hanging markers. Instead, I've picked points that are (mostly) distinct enough that you shouldn't have any trouble confirming you're at the right spot. The course is about 6 km with 28 controls! The legs are short and there are lots of changes of direction. The idea is to run the course at an easy pace and practice your leaving-the-control routine (e.g. at each control you probably want to take a look at your compass, orient your map, make sure you've got a plan before you take off running, etc...).

-- Michael (, February 12, 2003.

We had a decent turnout -- Gene, Dan, Mary and Eric. As far as I can tell, everyone enjoyed the course. Dan had some headlamp problems. Eric cut the course short because he was on his way to a meeting to plan a rock climbing trip to California.

-- Michael (, February 16, 2003.

I plan to come. See you Thur. Then off to catch the rest of Damon's hockey game at Pepsi Ice.

-- mean gene (, February 11, 2003.

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