Nikon D100 : LUSENET : Photography Singapore : One Thread

I'm going to Singapore next week and intend to buy a Nikon D100. Can anyone recommend a shop ? I have already checked prices for the camera and its extras in Germany (where I live), and I think I will know which price is fair and not. So I'm acutally looking for a shop with good prices and FAIR SERVICE. Can anyone help? Thank you! Sonja

-- Sonja Blietschau (, February 03, 2003


Most of the electronic items(including camera) in Singapore are much cheaper than europe countries. There are 2 places u can go, Penisular plaza and Sim Lim Square. There are many camera shops (selling new and 2nd hand cameras & lenses) in Penisular Plaza where u can trade in your old camera or lens with the new camera. Sim Lim Square is the place that selling electronic items(including camera). Make sure you go around n vist a few shops to compare the prices first before u most of the items selling in these two places are bargainable.


-- alvin siow (, February 17, 2003.

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