How great is green tea candy? : LUSENET : Tea Forum : One Thread

I found some great looking candy at but now I wonder is that good for you.


-- Jenny (, January 27, 2003


"Oh, terrible! Too sweet!" I'm sure this is what my Chinese (from when I was teaching in Chongqing) students would say about this candy. I used to love sugar, but now that I've mostly lost my sweet tooth, I might agree with the Chongqingers. I'm sure that a lot of the goodness of green tea, chemically, would still be present. If they don't heat the tea in the candy-making, that's a good thing if you want to keep the beneficial chemicals intact. In Medieval Europe and throughout the Middle East it was/is super common to make medicinal candies and lozenges, using sugar to make often bitter herbs more palatable . . . but the sugar just isn't very good for you! So, yes and no, as for health benefits. I say.

-- Steena E. Lane (, September 25, 2003.

I agree with the "too sweet" comment about green tea candy, however.................the only reason I tried it was because I told someone I loved it and they sent me some. Yikes!!! What I was referring to was green tea HARD candy. I still have not been able to find it and almost wish I had never discovered it in the first place because the "yen" for it is unbelievable. :o)

-- BarbaraChristensen (EZBREEZY01@AOL.COM), August 18, 2004.

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