Halifax ***£60k **** my story a bit further on!!!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread |
For anyone who has been following my story, for what seems like years....most of you will know that we owe £60k to the Halicr**. they recently applied for an attachment of earnings to the courts and were granted £74 a month by the judge. not content with what a judge has granted they have applied for another hearing as they want £100 monthly hearing set for end Feb and set to last 10 minutes ( will attend just for the fun!!! of it) but surely they really stand no chance as they are infact disagreeing with a judges decision any advice ?AMANDA B X
Can i just say that bankruptcy right now is not an option ( hubby in banking)
-- amanda b (amandab1@blueyonder.co.uk), January 26, 2003