I can't find any GBA Romsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I can't find any GBA Roms without signing in or forsed voting.
-- Anonymous, January 26, 2003
Try www.gbxemu.com , or edgeemu.net , or emudek.org , or...... planetemu.net all great sites with CPS2, Gameboy(all 3 gameboys), super nintendo, nintendo 64 and pretty much everything
-- Anonymous, January 26, 2003
You know it's it's there but I was looking for other games...
-- Anonymous, January 31, 2003
try airbag emulators
-- Anonymous, February 04, 2003
Well, www.worldgb.com has a few, but not much.
-- Anonymous, February 05, 2003
try kazza there is alot
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2003
Here's where irc comes in handy: #TMS at irc.zyclonicz.net Just about every GBA game is there.
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2003