having a bad week

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

Other then it being freezing here, the snow that was down, froze and I fell on my butt. Did you ever try walking after falling on your butt? Muscles you didn't even know you have hurt. I even pulled out the horse's blanket it was so cold. We have to chop out the ice in the rabbits' water bowls twice a day. Next week it's suppose to be in the 30's. Woohoo, heat wave. I had to have two caps put on my back teeth. Everything went well but I started having pain. I thought maybe I was allergic to the novicain but everyone said it doesn't stay in your system. The funny thing is that he worked on my bottom teeth and the top ones hurt and the gums are swollen. My ear and glands also hurt. I have to take Tylenol constantly. Anyway, went to the dentist and decided to take antibiotics just in case. It does feel like a sinus infection, you know, the cheekbone under the eye. Well, hopefully it will get better now. (My sister has been having "visions" lately and she called the day before to tell me to watch for infection.)

And the cat ate a cute flying squirrel that was eating from my bird feeder.

Well, thanks for listening. Hope everyone else is doing better then me.

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2003


I did the "Elvis" on the ice on my porch taking the dogs out last night. Thats where you slip, then run like one of those whirlygig yard birds and you slide out on one knee and a foot, and bow and say "thankyaverymuch" :>) I dont know which hurts more , the knee or my kickstand. All I know for sure is the name "groin injury" is a phonetic derivative. Thats the sound you make as you experience it. :>)

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2003

Dee, sorry you're having a rough time of it! And to you and Jay both, I traditionally do that "Elvis" move at least a couple of times of year (not yet this year, though, and maybe I'll stop the pattern). In typical Pac. Northwest fashion, however, mine involves slipping on wet grass. We have just enough slope walking past the cat kennel to the chicken yard. When the grass gets longish in the winter, it falls sideways, and then so do I if I'm not paying attention while walking there. Come to think of it, it's been so rainy lately, that the entrance to the northwest pasture (for sheep) is so muddy, I've nearly done a couple of Olympic-style diving moves there, too. Ouch! I can feel your pain! Where did those muscles come from?

Having had my recent share (i.e. more than enough) dentistry (pre- and post-y2k), I've had a half-dozen crowns installed. The prep work was uncomfortable, but after they were seated, they were fine. I hope your caps work out well for you, anyway.

I've done some water chopping for the sheep, chickens, and ducks around here, but not this year. We used to keep a second set of waterers inside our house and just swap them with the outside frozen ones every morning. Saved time, but our interior decor was rather curious to visitors!

Keep your chin up!

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2003

Must be something in the air, or maybe the moon - I thought Mercury was out of retrograde...where in the heck did I put the moon book?!

Dee, hope your days get better; and that the pain lessens. I just want to know if you had an audience, Jay; but I hope you're back in action soon. Elvis - hee,hee - don't think I ever did see him perform in bibbers though. Sheepish, if I hear 50* one more time, you'd better get the bunkhouse ready! And you be careful too!

Anyway, yesterday I first slipped on the basement stairs and went down three of them on my butt - somehow managing not to break any of the fruit jars I was trying to carry to the store room. Then, while trying to carry some sacks of bread from the bread store to the freezer in the shed, I somehow twisted my ankle and threw bread all over the yard. Hope the sheltie appreciated that bag of steak rolls. For a finale, I tried to move a 5 gallon carboy of water on the outside basement steps to make room for more, and pulled a muscle in my back. Okay. It may take me a while, but I listen when the gods speak to me - NO MORE PHYSICAL STUFF!! So, I noodled around on the computer (looking at books at half.com) and played a million games of solitare and drug out my garden plan from last year to update (not that I got anything done on it!) Maybe I'll go do that laundry today...

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2003

Wow -- sorry to hear about the dental problems. I have my share, and it's NO FUN when you can't pinpoint what is going on.

We've been having what they are giving the 'cute' name of 'The Siberian Express' around here....I'm wondering what happened to the old 'Alberta Clipper's that they used to call them. Is it because the Cold War is over with and Russia opened up its borders, so now they can export their Siberian weather to us? I'd rather have some Russian caviar.

A lot of people around here are having trouble with the animal hydrants freezing up, as well as plumbing lines, and I suspect also septic lines, since we have diddly in the way of snow insulation this year. (Lucky me, I decided to start a Lasagna garden bed over top of my lines this year for growing perennials, so they're buried under lots of cozy compost)

This is the first winter ever that I can remember not having to 'Walk like a Penguin'. I haven't taken any really remarkable prat falls on the ice in a few years, which is good, or I'd probably be back in the hospital in traction or something.

Years ago, I was dating a guy who thought that he was Jean Claude VanDamme or something -- into kick-boxing, and trying very hard to be able to do the full splits. He wasn't quite able to do it the entire way yet. I was out at the barn that day and slipped on the ice and down I went -- full splits. When I came home that night, he was still about 6" away from full and the fact off.

"So what -- I can do that." I said, limping off.

Tylenol -- Breakfast of Champions. Hope you're doing better soon.

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2003

I finally made grabber bands for my boot toes of that grabber non skid shelf line fabric the dollar store sells.

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2003

Ahhhh, I knew I could count on you guys to cheer me up!!

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2003

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