swimming darkens skin?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Swimming : One Thread |
i'm a brown asian whose very conscious of her fair colour, i want to start swimming but people tell me the chlorine darkens the skin and you get outlines of your swimsuit on your skin if you swim for long. does swimming indoors help? honest help and advice would be really appreciated..thanks
-- rabayl m (rabayl308@hotmail.com), January 24, 2003
I have swam inside for years and not found this to be the case.. I really think it is the sun doing it and not the chlorine
-- CP (lingo19@hotmail.com), May 28, 2003.
If you swim indoors you should be fine, you should be more careful about your hair color though.
-- Kevin (qkev1@msn.com), May 30, 2003.
I live in Hawaii and i am tan and actually the chlorine lightens my skin rather than darkens.
-- tami (amaskito@aol.com), September 28, 2003.
Chlorine might lighted up your skin color but will have a greater effect on your hair color. If you swim indoors you should not notice the difference. anyhow, if you swim outdoors, then the combination of the sun and chlorine might lighten-up your hair color significantly, while you might get tanned.
-- poolBoy (isa_muqattash@yahoo.com), October 15, 2003.
My coach tells me that chlorine offcourse darkens the skin, but later exposure of the body to sunlight actually makes the skin fair again.
-- Manikandan R (manikanr@emp3mail.com), November 28, 2003.