What do you think

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Should it be every church (AME) vision to increase their membership at least with 20% per annum or not. When i am saying increasing membership I refer to people that was without a church home and not children that are received into full membership every year.

I think that every should adapt an approach to ensure that their membership increases constantly every month.



-- Anonymous, January 23, 2003


It has been a part of our church's vision to witness and to increase our flock by reaching out to others. Our goal inspires the entire church to win at least one person for Christ. We start within our own homes first. How often we miss out on the opportunity to witness by overlooking the fact that members in the home may not be a part of the church. Before we witness to others, we make sure that we are sure of our own salvation...making sure of our own personal relationship with Christ. As a result, husbands have come with wives, wives with husbands, families, friends, etc. Our church membership has increased, and we have witnessed those who have waned in their commitment return to reaffirm their membership. More importantly, we have been blessed with recent converts, those who never accepted Christ and His word! How beautiful and blessed we are to see the joy of some person receiving "Jesus" for the first time. If it had not been a vision to witness, we would have missed these blessings!

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2003

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