On Adoption....

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

I am so pleased to hear that we have some adoptive parents on this board! You guys are tops! I am a birthmother. My daughter and I re-united when she was 19. It was awesome. A real Oprah Winfrey moment! I would love to hear your views regarding the "other mother" that completes the adoption triangle. I bet we could learn alot from each other.

Praying for Peace.....Idaho Gal.

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2003


Hey, Idaho Gal,

I adopted two kids, plus have one of "my own".

But there is no "other mother" completing the adoption triangle, at least not in the way I think you mean; I adopted the mother, too :)

The kids are all grown up now, and live in various locations. The mother, I'm happy to say, still lives with me.

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2003

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