On Adoption....greenspun.com : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread |
I am so pleased to hear that we have some adoptive parents on this board! You guys are tops! I am a birthmother. My daughter and I re-united when she was 19. It was awesome. A real Oprah Winfrey moment! I would love to hear your views regarding the "other mother" that completes the adoption triangle. I bet we could learn alot from each other.Praying for Peace.....Idaho Gal.
-- Anonymous, January 19, 2003
Hey, Idaho Gal,I adopted two kids, plus have one of "my own".
But there is no "other mother" completing the adoption triangle, at least not in the way I think you mean; I adopted the mother, too :)
The kids are all grown up now, and live in various locations. The mother, I'm happy to say, still lives with me.
-- Anonymous, January 27, 2003