Denon DVD-900 CD-R/W compatibility : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi, I have a Denon DVD-900 player and I was wandering something. I tried to make VCD's and then tried to play them, but the player didn't recognize them (everything was standard but maybe I made an error burning them, I don't know it yet). It is said in the documentation that the player plays CD-R/W but only for music/mp3 dics. I was wondering if it is possible that the player has a protection that doesn't allow the playback of non music/mp3 CD-R/W or is it most likely that I didn't burn the VCD's correctly ?(I used Memorex Silver 700Mb CD-R,the mpg files were standard(TMPGEnc: 352*240, 29.976fps, 1150Kbps, 44Khz and I burnt the Cd's with Nero).Thank You
-- S.P. (, January 15, 2003
Though rare, and likely only in North America, some DVD players specifically don't play VCDs. They play CD-R/RW fine of other formats. You read your player manual and look at the player faceplate; if "compact disc digital video" is nowhere then tough.
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, January 16, 2003.
Go to and see what the DVD Player Compatibility List says about your player. Mehmet is correct, some North American DVD players don't support VCD at all. I know that some Toshiba models did not support VCD, but you'll have to check the list I mentioned to see what it says about your player. You didn't say what you burned with, so make sure you are creating a VCD and not something else. The values you listed are correct for NTSC VCD.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), January 16, 2003.
I also have a Denon DVD-900. I made a VCD and was disappointed that it did not work. I looked through the manual and found that in the disc compatibility section, VCD/SVCD is not listed. Bummer.
-- Penguin (, July 08, 2004.