greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News - Homefront Preparations : One Thread

As you've probably noticed, the Greenspun LUSENET forum format has become severely restricted. SERVER BUSY is far too frequent and irritating and, even worse, the length limit on a post has been curtailed, meaning only about seven or eight very short paras are permitted before the OUCH! screen comes up.

A very generous Despot has offered to pay the first three months for the old forum on ezboard so that we won't have to suffer through those dreadful pop-ups. Other Despots have offered to take a turn at funding the no-pop-up ezboard too, including me. I much prefer the simpler format of LUSENET here but these two new restrictions together now make it the least appealing of the two options.

I know many of you aren't registered at ezboard. As things stand at the moment, we will have an "open" news board, that is, registration will not be necessary to read the items but will be necessary to post. If, as has happened in the past, some of our old nemeses come in and cause trouble, then we will have to go to a password-only board. (Sometimes it's just easier to go passworded than to keep blocking the innumerable handles they have.) That means unregistered folks won't be able to read anything. If you decide to register, please read the form carefully because you might miss the little boxes you need to check for opting out of junk mail. You might also want to come up with a "handle" so as to add a little privacy. (But if you do, let us know what it is when you post so we know who you are!)

Dammit, I got the OUCH! screen.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003


I don't know when we'll move over there but it won't be months, more like a week or so. The molding has been taped off and we've spackled the holes; painting will begin soon. But don't delete this address just yet--Philip might follow through with revamping the format as he's been saying for over a year and ezboard has been known to crash.

Stay tuned for further developments.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003


-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003

Old Git,

If you wish, I'll send you some duckets to kick in for the funding of a new forum.

I've been busy as of late and really haven't had much time to spend on any forum, but want them around when/IF I need them to be there.

Somehow, I have this feeling that something wicked this way comes.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003

Yep, know whatcha mean, apoc, and thanks for the offer. Let's see how the first three months go; if we like it, we;ll keep it and I'll hit up on folks for a bit of funding. From what I hear, it's not THAT expensive, providing we don't hit on it too much. With that in mind, I thought we might want to use this forum for more personal stuff that we don't want broadcast to the world instead of the Welcome Wagon over there. (The lower the hits, the less expensive the board.)

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003

it would be great if some would opt for the CSCsupporter at 12 bucks. It allows anonymity all over ezboard, and views [hits] don't count toward cost.

Just a thought...

I finally did it myself last month. Now no one but me knows when or where I lurk. LOL

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003

Oh. It's just 12 bucks apiece? For a year?

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003

yeah, one year.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003

>we don't hit on it too much.

You'll have to contact SAR for more details, but she wrote at one point that she believed EZ board staff was hitting on IC just to raise their fee. You'll want to look into how to prevent this problem.

I'll support whatever you decide, but I must make it known that I really dislike EZ board and don't trust the management. Would that I had a better idea or some server space to which to run this board, but I don't.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003

This is as good a time as any to mention that I don't know where the EZ board thingy is, or how to get on it, or in fact if maybe I have registered, and if so, who am I?

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003

I really dislike EZ board and don't trust the management. Same here but I don't know what else to do at this point.

I don't know where the EZ board thingy is, or how to get on it, or in fact if maybe I have registered, and if so, who am I?

Dintcha used to post on the old ezboard? I think so. Here's the URL for the main index page: Main Page PW is vacation.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003

To register for an acct... simple go to EZboard.com.. and make your acct. they have free accts....and if you are on a gold board, there are NO ads or pop-ups for anyone. but if you go to another free board... and you are a free acct. you WILL be over run with pop-ups and ads. so for 12.00 a yr.. 1.00 a month..it is not a bad thing...IF YOU LIKE THE FORMAT AND STYLE of EZ boards.

now, about last year right before we came do for renewal.. we your spammed by a LARGE hit of views and spam posts, and influx of new member counts that never did come back.. and I actually read 3 places were ezmembers (not EZboard...but members ...went around and sat there hitting refresh to baords coming do.. we went from owing about 80 for a yr... to about 200 for the yr. and then poof right after renewal, no more traffic! it was in the help forums in EZ board Gold members, this was discussed at length...and they ADMITTED they knew it went on, but they could do nothing about it at the time. IC was not the only board..many boards reported it.

they EZ came up with CSC supporter views would not count, and aslo a way to "close" the door if the EZ op wanted to. more coming

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003

yes, sometimes they go "down" but they have been very good at crediting down time and giving all a day back, and those that paid for the image hosting , are allowed to keep what they had..FREE till EZ comes up with a new plan, as the image host went belly up.. so EZ is paying to host them till they find they own hosting service again. I will say that they are finally listening to the majority of the complaints..IF they are real issues, and not just BS from whiners!.

I have looked and checked out and created mini boards trying to find a better deal, or better home.. especially when I am PO at the new updates...but I have not yet found the quality, or price to beat what we get at EZ. just my thoughts on it.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2003

ezCurrents is ad free now. The purchase of three months has been applied.

Git is a CSCsupporter and can go invisible.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2003

Wow, BF, thanks! Gawd, invisible! Think of the trouble I can get into, lolololol! I'm gonna go find Michael Moore and tattoo "666" on his forehead, lol!

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2003

Can't say as that password gets me anywhere at ezboard. (And yes, I was logged in.)

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2003

no more of that. LOL

password? I don't need no stinkin' password.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2003

Damn. Off!

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2003

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