: LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Hello. My name is Sean M. Hall and I am alerting you of a dangerous threat to all LUSENET users. A madman across the water by the name of Killer Crud is using HTML to destroy boards. If he posts a certain code, that thread is gone forever. This could happen to ALL threads. This has happened to the San Francisco History board already. I strongly ask the administrator to make sure he doesn't come here.Thank you for your time.
Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.
-- Anonymous, January 11, 2003
Hello, I am KillerCrud. I have no intention of damaging any boards, thank you for your time.
Oh, and Sean? Be more of an ego-maniac next time, I was (I'm done with it now) only targeting YOU.
Please, Mr Administrator, erase this topic that does not belong in your forum, if you will.
-- Anonymous, January 12, 2003
I don't get it.People are wierd.
-- Anonymous, January 12, 2003