Flooring question

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

I'm thinking of an "end piece pine floor" down my hall but I can't figure out what to fill in around the wood. I thought grout but it may leave a gap next to the rounds? Someone told me to mix sawdust and urathane. Look at this picture to see what I mean. Thanks Kirk


-- Anonymous, January 11, 2003


Have you considered squaring the end pieces to reduce the gap potential?

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2003

I never heard of the urathane/sawdust mix but I can see how it might work. I've also heard of elmers glue, diluted in water and mixed with sawdust as a wood filler. That might work too. And last, have you considered grout?

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2003

Jay And John: Somebody makes a flooring that you can buy and I think they do square em off. I'm also wondering if grout would pull away from the wood? I think I should just do some test pieces first so I don't end up with an embarrasment. Thanks for the ideas!....Kirk

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2003

Seems like using end pieces would be similar to butcher block construction with your walls serving the same purpose as the butcher bolock frame. Square them and use glue on the back side and drive the pieces closest to the wall into place. No gaps.

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2003

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