Why the silence about ITC's Accreditation Status?greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
Many folks are understandably concerned about Morris Brown College's precarious accreditation status. While responding to a private email I received about MBC, I ventured over to the SACS website to obtain further information. I was surprised to learn that the same accrediting body (Southern Association of Colleges & Schools or SACS) rendered a "negative" decision for the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) on the same day it revoked MCBCs accreditation!! To date I haven't read anything on this BB or other media outlets about ITC's negative evaluation. Why the silence? Many of our AME clergy recieve their divinity training at ITC so this is very important. According to SACS, ITC recieved a "warning" due to the institution failing to comply with the following sections of Criteria for Accreditation: 1. Academic & Professional Preparation - Graduate 2. Consortial Relationships & Contractural Agreements 3. Library & Other Learning Resources 4. Instructional Support While a "warning" is not the academic kiss of death like revocation it is also nothing to be proud of. The implications are disturbing since it signals that there are some holes in the ship which need to be fixed. Neglect or failure to fix these holes (4 areas above) can lead to far graver consequences. Years ago while working at Hampton U. I served on a committee which produced the institutional plan for SACS review. I know first hand the Criteria and enormous work involved in this process. The evaluators are extremely demanding (as they should be). Incidentally, SACS cited 13, yes 13, violations of Criteria which prompted the body to take action against MBC. Fiscal mismanagement is only one of the 13 non-compliance factors. I hope people really understand the task we face (both at MBC & ITC). QED
-- Anonymous, January 09, 2003