Any change the shifting to F1 style ( 1up, 6 down) : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I am being told I cant do this on my 02' F4S 1+1....Yikes! Means I have to change my 998 back to normal... Bummer.

Anyone do this?


-- shelby (, January 05, 2003


I thought that I read somewhere that there were aftermarket rearsets that allowed for a reverse shift pattern but I could be mistaken. By the way, welcome to the MV club.

-- Pete (, January 05, 2003.

It has been done by an MV mechanic in italy

-- musu (, June 01, 2003.

Several aftermarket rearsets allow for reverse pattern shifting.

Here is an interesting one: V

Good luck and let us know how it goes.


-- James (, June 02, 2003.

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