Problems converting rm to avi/mpeg : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have got a rm-File which I would like to convert to avi/mpeg in order to burn it as VCD. I already tried out TINRA and EO Video and although the conversion seemed to go fine, in the resulting file the sound was not "in place" but trailed along several seconds behind or forward, I can't say, while in the original rm sound is just where it should be.

Now I would like to know what might be the problem here, before starting another endless ;) try. I have heard, too, that I should have left the PC alone during conversion, instead of using it meanwhile ... could that be the problem or is the rm "defective" ...?

-- rausyl (, January 03, 2003


Hi. First of all I have to say that I don't actually have a solution for you problem, but I will explain why this is happening.

I used to have the same problem when I was converiting 2 min clips of the Tracy Ullman Shorts clips.

The out of sync problem occurs because RM files use variable framerates throughout the "clip", and avi uses fixed framerates (e.g 25fps) I don't think all rms are variable, but I may be wrong, and if so then this a major problem with converting rm to avi. I have also read that people can use programs such as VirtuaDub in order to re-sync the picture and the sound again, but I've not really spent time on this, and so can't say how successful it it. RavyDavy

-- RavyDavy (, January 08, 2003.

You don't have to convert your file to avi or mpg. Just use RealPlayer to burn your CD.

-- (, April 08, 2003.

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