Marcia : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

I ran into this lady and we were talking about some of the old 60s songs that we both enjoyed. Anyway she told me that her husband hauled a 57 Chevy onto their propery on a spot that has a great view. He cleaned up the interior, put in a heater and a tape player, and you guessed it.....the romance continues!!!! Ha!

Great idea huh? Thought I'd tell ya about this in case Harry might want to drag one of his re-stored jobs up somewhere over looking that big pond you have!!!!....Kirk

-- Anonymous, December 28, 2002


There used to be a restaurant not far from my house called The Fabulous Fifties Diner. It was an old drive-in restaurant that had been restored and they had classic cars that you could sit in and eat your food. The carhops wore roller skates too. They used to have classic car rallies there on the weekends. Unfortunately it went out of business a few years ago, was torn down, and a gas station is there now.

-- Anonymous, December 30, 2002

Where the heck is Marcia??? Has anyone heard from her since that storm in the NE?

-- Anonymous, December 30, 2002

I looked it up -- she last posted on the 9th of December!

I emailed her. I'll let you know if I get a response, but if their power is out, that won't happen. :-(

-- Anonymous, December 30, 2002

Harry is still running me ragged on the chess site. Hes got a pot full of games in progress too. She may just not be able to wrestle the keyboard away from him. :>)

-- Anonymous, January 01, 2003

I heard from Marcia. She's still alive and kickin'! :-) Said she was sorry for not checking in and making us worry. Hope she'll post soon.

-- Anonymous, January 01, 2003

Thanks Jay and Joy! :) Wuz gettin worried! We should have other ways of contacting each other in case of power outages or worse, think?

-- Anonymous, January 01, 2003

?? What would those ways be, EM? Drums?

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2003

Drums are good, yeah! (if anyone needs one, I sell some on my website!) :)

Or carrier pigeons! Doesn't John have summa those? I think telepathy development would be good.

In the meantime, maybe snail mail addresses, PO Boxes maybe. phone numbers, that sorta thing.

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2003

Hey there, Kirk!!

Sure is a great idea...but Harry and I've been married 32 yrs. this coming April. Not much romance left here...but lots of comfort in each other's companionship :-)!! Also, I have to go and renew my driver's license tomorrow before my b'day and that really makes me feel OLD!!!

It was really nice to see a post here with my name on it and I sure do appreciate everyone wondering about me...heaven knows I don't deserve it :-)! BTW...Jay, yes, I do have to wrestle the keyboard away from Harry at night especially!

I think it would be good to have a way of contacting folks here if they haven't been heard from for awhile or their email isn't working, etc. I often wonder about Alison!!??

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2003

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