: LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Hello everyone,

For those of you unaware, I am the webmaster of

As can be plainly seen, I have not updated the site in some time. This would suggest a wane in my interest of the show. That suggestion is correct. I have new content to put up, but I just have not made the time due to dwindling motivation.

The registration will expire soon and I feel that the domain name should stay within the community, such that someone either continue the work I did, or ingratiate all of the information I gathered into a new site while still maintaining compatibility across as many web platforms as possible, if possible.

I think that a renewal folds nicely into the recently proposed motions to continue this discussion forum at a new location as the LuseNet forum server's days are numbered.

If you have an interest in contributing to this effort, go to my site. Find my email address there and notify me of your interest.

Thank you for your time.


-- Victor Vergara (see@website.address), December 19, 2002

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