Blw Centepede lettering : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

I want to paint my Overland Baldwin Centepede. With the exception of one unit, the 4513 on page 115 of Callaway/Withers SAL MOTIVE POWER, all of the lettering has been pullman green in the yellow stripe area. Has anyone had decals made for this? If not, would anyone be interested in joining me in getting a few sets made?

-- William P. McCoy (, December 14, 2002


Your best bet might be the Microscale set for the early E4s in the citrus scheme. The font might be a slight bit too small, but it sure looks close. As I recall, earlier Microscale sets had this lettering in black, but the later versions were in pullman green.

-- Tom Alderman (, December 16, 2002.

Bill, I wonder if there are any O scale decals that you could possiably use?

-- Joseph Oates (jlosal@mindspring.comj), December 15, 2002.

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