tea reading as a way of life

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Tea Forum : One Thread

I am a tea reader, trainined throughout my life by my maternal grandmother who is no longer living. I would like to be contacted by other tea readers and am especially interested in meeting those who learned through a family connection.

-- Cecelia (teareader@hotmail.com), December 05, 2002


Hi; I have only recently started reading tea leaves. My mother used to read tea leaves and it was alwayws of interest to me. I enjoy it and it would be nice to communicate with each other on the meaning of some readings. Hope this e-mail finds you and hope to hear from you. Diane

-- Diane Brunet (chaumiereontario@hotmail.com), July 13, 2003.

i am an artist looking into tea reading in my current work. question.in your opinioun is the process of tea reading linked to the subconcious.aura,energy?

-- izzy k (ik102@soton.co.uk), October 14, 2003.

i am beginng Tea reading, So later I can teach my children. I am learning by my self, no one to teach me, so if you have some info or help it would be great to contact me I would love to hear from others.

-- Sharlyn Biscamp (sable_rose4@yahoo.com), December 09, 2003.

hello, im am wanting to learn more about tea reading and would love ideas to get me started. I have been told that this gift was passed down to me from my grandmother but i need some help getting started, i would love to hear from you please thankyou

-- rosina romancewicz (rosiev 1183@ hotmail.com.au), January 30, 2005.

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