Does Trevor's voyeurism influence his actions? : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

It seems to me that in almost every episode Trevor is observing the actions of his people or his laitest interests or desiers, like a child looking in on an ant farm. Do you think this is his motivation for severale of his actions and experiments (the first of the season 3 episodes rings the loudest) ? Was this the intention of P.C. in creating the character?

-- Steven (, December 03, 2002


Absolutely. Goodchild seems to consider himself an iconic presence, or a sort of "father figure," to the Breens. This indicates not only his attitudes of altruism and leadership, but his feelings of superiority and self-importance as well. Trevor Goodchild believes himself to be a benevolent, stern, forward-thinking leader, while at the same time believing his constituency to be equivalent to ants in an ant farm.

As a man of strong willpower but weak self-esteem, he overcompensates for the latter by exercising the former in as large and influential a manner as possible. Thus, his tyranny over the Breens is not one of malevolence; it's one of self-serving disregard. Watching the effects of his rule gives him the satisfaction that a) he's important to his people, b) he has a wide influence on them, c) his actions make him "greater" than his subjects, and d) this "greatness" makes him worthwhile.

To sum it up tersely: Goodchild definetely has a voyeristic bent, in that he believes himself to be a benevolent figure and wants to confirm the influence of his actions; by this method, he can ameliorate his own insecurities and need for affirmation.

(forgive me if my wording isn't too clear, I'm all hopped up on cold medicine at the moment ;)

-- Brian Davis (, February 01, 2003.

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