ATI All in Wonder : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

HI, Im not sure if this is the right forun but I cant figure this out. About two months ago I purchased an ATi All in Wonder Radeon, it installed fine and I was able to capture movies and save tham on my drive as mp2 file and was able to play them back using ATI file player and Windows Media Player. Recently, I tried playing back one of my videos and it would not play. ATI file player would launch but without the video screen. I would hear the audio but no video. I downloaded the latest version of ATI multimedia centre and installed. Now when I try to view file in file player the video section is visible but i dont see any video, I only hear the audio. I checked ATI site and they speak of a DVD codec. I dwonloaded and installed this but I still cannot view the mp2 video file. Im not sure why as it used to work before. Im hoping someone can help.

Thanks Tony

-- Anthony Clark (, November 28, 2002


Try posting to the forum at That forum is filled with ATI guys and maybe someone can help you. You don't need a DVD codec, but if your MPEG-2 codec got whacked, that might cause your problem. By the way, upgrades of ATI software are VERY tricky and if you don't totally uninstall the old version first, you can have problems. Check out for a guide on how to do a clean install of new ATI software.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), November 28, 2002.

I had the same problem with an ATI TV Wonder and after uninstalling and deleting the ATI keys from REGISTRY it went the same. I reinstalled again the operating system after HDD Format. It worked 2- 3 weeks only, then crashed again. The new drivers published by ATI were even worse than the old ones. So, I had to renounce at ATI. I lost any confidence and respect to ATI further more. The best capture card, in my opinion, for home video (composite analog) is WinFast A170 DDR. It is stable and it's an AGP all-in with video capture (COMPOSITE and S-VHS), TV-out and good hardware acceleration (NVIDIA 440 64 MB DDRAM). So it would be wise not to lose your time with ATI. There are a lot of complaints on the net against them. Sorry, that is the truth.

-- D.S. (, May 29, 2003.

If you have any extra codec packs installed, uninstall them and see if the video plays. I'm in the midst of this now and I've noticed that if I remove the ACS megacodec pack, the video plays fine. I'm going to try capturing to mpeg2 rather than the ATI vcr format to see if I can get around this.

-- Rabbi Bob (, January 22, 2005.

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