EARTH Shows (East Coast) : LUSENET : : One Thread

I missed the shows b/c I was in Romania backpacking. Now I'm back and Earth aren't here. F. Does ANYONE know if Earth will be back on the East Coast again in my lifetime? I almost effing died over there so make my day and respond.

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2002


Don't know what to tell you... I mean, Earth was just here, so the likelihood that Earth will be back around here soon is almost none. When you say you almost died over there, do you mean as a result of your backpacking trip or because you missed out on seeing Earth perform live? I know what it's like missing shows because I've missed about 3 last month that I would have really liked to have seen. Of course, all of those bands tour more than twice a decade (j/k).

-- Anonymous, November 26, 2002

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