Small and/or Rural churches are also part of God's plan : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Do you have big church envy? Well I have some good news for you, if you pastor or are a member of a small and or rural church. Your church is part of God's plan for salvation. He needs your small church. Every person and church is part of God's master plan for salvation. God did not call all of us to big churches. But he did call all of us to serve him where we are. If you are a member or pastor a small church or are thinking of planting a new church. Let's work together as A.M.E's. And share resources, grant info and encourage one another in our unique ministries. I am starting an a.m.e support group called S.A.R.C.U (small and rural churches united) this is NOT an official organ of our denomination, but a support organization in which we can channel info. For example the Robert Woods foundation has grants specifically for small and rural churches for health care to those congregations. If you would like to be a part of this endeavor let me know. I promise we will also have fun. Please keep this project in prayer. Also if there are any web page developers, lawyers, doctors, out there we could use your help also. As we sift through grants and rural health initiatives. God bless and be proud to be A.M.E, I AM!!!!!

-- Anonymous, November 24, 2002


Denise -

The size of a church is not measured by the membership roll. In fact, the Organizational Behavioral concept, Pareto Principle (80% of the work is performed by only 20% of the membership), verifies that size is irrelevant. I enjoy visiting small and rural churches because the people are always happy to see you!! Since becoming a Florida resident I have reaquainted myself with churces in the 'country'. The fellowship and food these country churches provide is simply terrific. 'Effective ministry is not measured by the size of one's membership but ministry is measured by the spirit of one's members.' I Dickens 4:1 :-) QED

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2002

My dear biological brother Bill, I am hoping that you and your family will be able to visit my church. Our town has 30,000 people. And the entire state of Montana is considered rural. We are one hour from yellowstone national park and if you come in the summer you can go fly fishing, white water rafting. In the summer, every sunday after church we go fishing at some small creek. You are right about church not being about numbers. Church growth should be measured by souls saved. But there are some real challenges for rural and small churches, my goal is to provide encouragement and sharing of info. I will have a web page up next week.

-- Anonymous, November 27, 2002

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