Polaroid Cameras for sale 160, 250, 350, 450

greenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

When I first became interested in emulsion transfer I got a little carried away! I went on ebay and bid on MANY cameras. I was planning on winning just one bid. Instead, I won almost all of them. Unfortunatly, I was a little stuck and was forced to purchase them all. Soooooooooo, If there is anyone out there just starting out and would like to give it a whirl without buying a slide printer...Let me know!

-- Hope Gibbs (hgibbs@apscc.org), November 13, 2002


Hey, how much do you want for any of the above cameras? Please e- mail me at angitigger@hotmail.com.

-- Angi Francesco (angitigger@hotmail.com), November 20, 2002.

hi- am an artist looking for same transfer stuff as you. what are prices for your cameras?

-- ben junta (bblue1@mindspring.com), January 14, 2003.

i'm intersted to buy your 450

-- danilo g llanto (lllanto75@comcast.net), April 29, 2003.

I have a polaroid 160 Land Camera and an old Ansco color clipper camera if any one is interisted.

-- Bob Martin (rmartin10@attbi.com), May 07, 2003.

I have inherited a polaroid 350 land camera. Do you know of a website or does anyone know what it may be worth?

-- Daleray Wilkinson (DewsHotRod@aol.com), December 29, 2003.

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