siblings occupations : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

what were poes brother and sister occupations.

-- Anonymous, November 12, 2002


Edgar had two siblings. The first born was William Henry Leonard Poe. His parents were unable to care for him properly with the means of travel and not enough money. David Poe Jr.s father, and grandfather to William, took him in and cared for him most of his life. A relationship between the brothers was never properly established until later in life, when William was on his death bed. They reconciled at their Aunt Mary Clems house. By that time William was in very poor condition and was not expected to live much longer. The date of his death was not specially noted, but the fact that the brothers got to know each other before his death was a rewarding factors to both of their lives. He also had one sister, Rosaline Poe. She was taken in by a family whos name was MacKenzie. She and Edgar probably got to meet on several occasions because the family that took in Edgar lived closely with them. After they got older they had no contact with each other. It says little the history books as to the where abouts of Rosiline.

سنی اسلام

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2004

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