Adirondak Series Guideboat 18? : LUSENET : Open-water rowing : One Thread

Has anyone out there had experience with the Adirondak Series Guideboat 18? I'm interested in seaworthiness, speed, beaching ability, ease of handling, carrying capacity, anything about the boat that you'd like to share. I'd be sculling her mainly as a double on the river estuaries and bays along the Misssissippi Gulf Coast, as well as, if she proved suitable, on the Mississippi Sound, warm water, but sometimes capable of a nasty little chop, even in light air. Would this boat be OK for these conditions? Thanks for your help . . .

-- william lynn watson (, October 30, 2002


I have a 17' Guideboat I use year round in Boston waters in all sorts of chop. Great handeling and tracking

-- michael cushing (, November 24, 2004.

I have some photos of the 12, that should help you decide.

Seems seaworthy enough, although the 18 will have more windage if you row her as a single. -Gary-

-- Gary Powell (, November 29, 2004.

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