step daughter violence : LUSENET : domestic violence : One Thread

I have a 21 year old step daughter who thinks its ok it hit bite and scratch me [father]. any time she does not agree with me, she calls it self defence, she starts it and threatens to call the police . i called te police the last time and they said its a domestic dispute nothing they can do. She wont leave the house cause someone in the house lets her in and then she dont leave. i lock the door and tell everyone not to let her in.I have perment scars on my back and chest from bite marks. her mom tells her to leave but she wont, she tells her to 'F' OFF AND GET OUT OF HER FACE. Is there anything I [we] can do? thank you mike upstate ny

-- Anonymous, October 30, 2002


hi im mike garbinsky i live in tyrone pa we have the same name send a pic to see if we look the same im 14 about your step daughter you should tell her to shut up

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2003

Mike, if someome physically assaults you, you have the right to use "reasonable force" to defend yourself. In other words if she bites you, you legally have the right to smack her upside the head. Do that a couple times and you'll not have problems from her anymore. It is especially a good thing that you have scars on your body, because if she tries to say that she did not do anything and you hit her for no reason, you can just show the scars.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2003

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