If you're interested in the source of posted articles. . .

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News - Homefront Preparations : One Thread

For years I was scrupulous about posting a link or at least giving a source that could be checked but then I started to notice the same articles being posted on other forums a little while after they were posted here. I'd add a typo and--voila!--the typo would be there too. Now I don't mind people lifting these articles and reposting them elsewhere, providing the posters say they saw them at Currents but I do mind people lifting them and not giving credit for the work. Anyway, if anyone here is interested in a particular article and needs the source, feel free to ask.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2002



-- Anonymous, October 27, 2002

I get the same thing at IC,,,and IF I use someones post from here OR TB...you bet I give credit. we went through someone using all our "stories" almost copied IC, (remember that, BF)? SO!... yes, PLEASE give credit to who ever went out and "Found" it..it takes time and energy to search for stories!

-- Anonymous, October 27, 2002

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