What's the FASTEST fixed seat doubles boat?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Open-water rowing : One Thread |
Here is a question for you. What is, in your opinion, THE fastest fixed seat doubles boat out there?? I am very interested in what the users of OpenWater.com have to say on this one. Thanks for your input!
-- Rich Schlatter (rich@vikingpromotions.com), October 26, 2002
Well Rich, as you know, the Asay Self-Bailers finish at the top in Nationals, and at your event in New Jersey every year. So, if you can't beat'em,...join'em.
-- Cork (captncork@aol.com), October 28, 2002.
Here in southern New Enland, I would vote for Jon Aborn's Monument River Wherry. He routinely beats many doubles in his single version. He might have plans or sketches
-- Jeff Roderick (nordvindcrew@yahoo.com), December 07, 2002.
Dear Rich,I'd venture to say that none of the current crop of surfboats would rank among the fastest fixed-seat boats, except maybe in heavy surf. And, there are some very fast designs out there that have never been actively raced. It may also be true that some very successful race winning boats wouldn't be very useful outside of the competitive environment. Success on the racing circuit is no guarantee that a design will be right for you or that having a boat built to a winning design will turn you into a race winner. Yes, Jon Aborn has designed a very competitive boat, but long before that he was a very successful (some would say legendary) rower/racer. A well designed boat will make any rower better, but having a race winning boat won't automatically turn just any rower into a winning racer.
Andre de Bardelaben
-- Andre de Bardelaben (middlepath@aol.com), December 08, 2002.
Maybe the organizers of races that have oarmasters might be persuaded to change to a doubles format? It got information on singles......
-- Ben Fuller (bagfuller@compuserve.com), January 02, 2003.
There is a stretched Piscatiqua River Wherry that seems to do well in the Blackburn. The John Gardner Chapter of TSCA has a (pardon the spelling) Chetecamp 19 named Suan Holland that has done well in past Blackburn races. Check the times at the Blackburn Challenge website. This would give you an idea of performance over a longer course with a variety of conditions. Hey those self bailing surfboats don't count...they grease the longitudinal thwarts and row them like a slider>;) You'll need to bring a spare change of shorts.Peace,
Joe Toro
-- Joseph Toro (jtoro@groupfour.com), April 22, 2003.
Jon Aborn's double design is the fastest. The carter brothers win the Blackburn Challenge every year with very fast times.
-- michael cushing (cushing@globe.com), November 24, 2004.