What is the mystery that still lives today about Edgar Allen Poe?greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread |
All i need to know is what is the mystery that happened alwhile ago but still lives today. And still is a mystery today to people and no one has answered it yet?
-- Anonymous, October 01, 2002
No one knows how he died. Some say he was drunk, Others say he was drugged, and mugged. And yet others say it was some sort of government thing. No one knows. Hope that helped
-- Anonymous, October 02, 2002
It's not OFFICIAl, but a lot of new research has concluded how Poe actually died. It was involved with his drinking habbits after the death of his wife and such. After he disappeared to go visit his new fiance, he was foudn dead in the streets. Now, doctors and scientists are speculating that he died, not from opium or alcohol, but of rabies. It is very possible that he was bitten by a rabid rat while he lay unconcious from intoxication. It woudl explain a lot of his symptoms during the day or two that he was alive after being found. Not official, but a good new theory...
-- Anonymous, October 21, 2002
-- Anonymous, October 27, 2002