Can't find "Not in our Name" : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread |
Sherri apparently posted it, but I can't find it. Is it the same as the "not in my name" site ( I don't think so, but that's what came up when I typed in ""I want to send this out to an email group, one of whom requested it this a.m.
-- Anonymous, September 30, 2002
Hi Joe Try
-- Anonymous, September 30, 2002
Thanks, Sherri; that was it!
-- Anonymous, September 30, 2002
Just sent out the Pledge to my email list, and have already started getting responses, after just a few minutes. I'm pleased; usually I don't hear from folks on issues like this until I see them in person, at some party or something.
-- Anonymous, September 30, 2002