Let's Talk about the "S" WORD!!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Let's talk about the "S" word....sanctification. The Word says for God specificly instructs us to "be ye holy as I am holy" In the Holiness church (which I belong) we have a saying goes "I'm saved sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost!" We are stressing the saved part and perhaps the being filled with the Holy Ghost, however, why is not stressed to saints, especially young people to "be ye seperate" and "touch not the unclean thing?" I know no one wants to go back to the dresses down to the floor, not wearing makeup or getting perms in your hair, (can you imagine some people in your church without perms and makeup??)

I notice where I live, a gospel is being preached in these (compromised) churches that it's okay to keep on sining and sining and sining, then make up some retarded excuse like "God knows my heart" or "We have all sinned and come short to the Glory of God". But it appears that we have overlooked Romans 6:1-2 "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace more abound? God firbid!" "How can we say we say we are dead to sin and still continue to sin?"

It's almost like we as christians have become desensitized to living holy and compromising has become the norm? (I beleive it's in) I Corinthians 7:10 "There is no tempation but as such as to common unto to man but God is faithful and with every tempation He has already made a way of escape for us to bear it" It is true, we are all being tempted with some sin or another, so my sin or your sin is not orginal that God can't get us out of, however, why do we make this so hard? Jude 24 "Now unto him who is able to keep thee from falling..." The question is, do you want to be kept? Respenses are welcome.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2002

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