Testing travel connections

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Checking out the auto computer.

Appears our travel plans are still go.

Spoke to OG and she expects to be off line till the weekend, but we might allow her a bit of a fix on this system while we are visiting.

I'm not that guy who tells you what system to buy, so I won't be telling you what she's buying. LOL

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002


Still playing around with this system.

But, I have to leave now and get back to the patio, er, I mean lanai.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002

Back to home for now.

And I still haven't gotten outside, yet. LOL

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002

Will your wireless connection work in all states? That's a problem around here: east of Cols., the moble connections drop because there is little cell tower coverage, but to the west, things are fine all the way to Dayton.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002

PS -- Are you getting excited, yet? Sounds like it's the first real vacation you've had in a long time.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002

You coulda told 'em what computer, dude! Sweetie didn't have any cell-phone probs from Colorado through to Durham anad between here and Charleston. Maybe the southern bit of the area works better than the rest.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002

We're depending on a land line to connect. No cell phone dial up for this one.

I have a list of all the local numbers to dial up in to. Also, I changed the cell phone so that calls can be recieved regardless of where we are, unless no tower is available.

I imagine we won't do much talking as Git takes the computer from us and starts drooling! LOL LOL LOL LOL

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002

Yes, we are getting more excited. Also more apprehensive as Kyle and # 13 churn away out there...

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002

Dear heart, at my age I don't need any stimulus to drool. . . I like to think of it as the memory part of my brain draining away, lol!

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002


-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002

Hey, BF--youse guys want to pay a little visit to Granny's before we pick up The Hungarian? Never know what you might find!

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2002

If we can fit that in, sure.

I expect that we will be able to get to Tiger in time for lunch and a goodly visit there, and getting up into your neck of the woods is a short hop from there.

once we get into the area I'll call ya and let ya know what's going on.

I figure we'll make it to spartanburg around dinner time, 5 ish or so. We can have a couple hours visit there, and then on the road and find a place to sleep around charlotte. Not that I want to stay anywhere near charlotte, but it works out that way. LOL

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2002

Damn, I simply must get my eyes checked, cause when I first saw the title, I thought it said "testing travel condoms"

Hope you have a blast Barefoot!

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2002

looks like the blast is going to be Lili.

We are leaning towards skipping the trip at this point. Having to rush home after a day of vacation isn't what we wanted.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2002

we cancelled. maybe we can do it a week later.

too much to worry about to have a relaxing time, dammit.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2002

Rats! We may or may not be making a fast trip to Charleston next week but that's less than a 50% chance.

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2002

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