Do you have pearls of wisdom to share? : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Please share with the board a quote, faith story or a philosopher or person that inspires you, particularly when times are tough. Please feel free to list a song, book art work etc. Thank you for sharing.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2002


Pastor Denise....

Often times when I am in trouble, it because I've elected to take on other people's problems or situations. So, I depend on one of my spiritual weapons--detachment. This allows me to seperate myself from issues/situations that don't concern me.

"Seek ye first the kindgom of God and all of its righteousness" Jesus "Oh monks, work out your own soul salvation with diligence." Siddhartha

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2002

If you have a good excuse, don't use it

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002

Sister Brenda,

Would you please discuss your spiritual weapon called detachment? I am intrigued.


-- Anonymous, September 23, 2002

Your post reminded me of something I had just heard the Sunday before reading your post asking for something to share. But I couldn't remember exactly how it was worded. And I didn't want to misinterpret it's meaning.

My sister today, sent that very saying with a thought that she send out weekly. This is what is says. " Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny" Frank Outlaw


-- Anonymous, September 30, 2002

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