doula training in the uk : LUSENET : Doula.Com General Discussion : One Thread

i would dearly love to be a doula,but most of the information i find on the net is in the u.s.a does anyone know of any training courses or websites i can contact in britain?or is it not as popular over here/also do you need to have a driving licence(sounds daft i know)but if you don,t drive is it still possible? thanx andrea

-- andrea dobbie (, September 17, 2002


try looking at

i am also interested in training and they seem to have courses in London.

-- Candice Coetser (, October 13, 2002.

Please look at our "Doula UK" website - we are a network of doulas who have set up an association to support one another in the UK and we have a "Train to be a Doula" where several trainers list their course dates. Hope that helps.

-- Vida Rye (, November 16, 2002.

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