Model E8A in Illinois Central scheme : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Does anyone know of a decal set that includes lettering for Central of Georgia E8A locomotives in the Illinois Central scheme?

Microscale has a set of letters and a set of orange stripes for IC locomotives.

It looks like the stripes could be used as a starting point for Central unit. A source of the "Central of Georgia" lettering in IC font style would also be required and a monogram for the nose.

Ron. Wright

-- Ron. Wright (, September 09, 2002



Several years ago, Bob Branin of Riverdale Station produced custom decals for the CofGa E8s which were painted in the IC's brown and orange scheme. I don't think he has any left, however.

We've already started working on artwork for these sets, but I don't know when they might be completed.

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (, September 13, 2002.

I can't say for the decals, but I can tell you that American Models is selling their S scale E8 unit factory painted in this scheme. Have a look for yourself :

-- John Degnan (, September 10, 2002.

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