Run-time error '6' : LUSENET : Anders Petersson's Freeware Forum : One Thread

Do you know what causes this error:

Run-time error '6' Overflow

I am using windows 98, (it works fine on WinME but I need it to work in win98)

-- Anonymous, September 09, 2002


Hey Ryan.

When does the error occur? What do you do? You are running the latest patch (see the homepage)?

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002

I've the same problem. I'm using W98SE. The problem seems to be while looking for drives. When ever I create a new catalogue, I got this error. I give ok and it goes on. The problem is when i do a search: after I found what i'm looking for, I doble click on the folder where things should be and then the error and it close the program

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2003

I forgot: I just installed the software with the last patch avlaible 3.1.16

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2003

I found what the problem is: the software do not check correctly for the presence or absence of media in the drive. I just did what I previosly sayd, putting the CD where the things were and I did not have the error message. So every time it looks for on the drivers of the PC, if one of the CD drive is empty (like my CD burner), it give the error: >>>>>Run-time error '6' Overflow<<<<

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2003

I have also problem Run-time error '6' Overflow . Install OfflineCdBrowser on win98 and 2 month running OK. Now error when run Update Catalogues. Windows Update Catalogues is close correct but mail windows Offline cd browser must close Ctrl-Alt-Del -> end . I made repaire tool ( Visual Basic 6.0 SP 5 run-time files, Visual C++ 6.0 SP 4 run-time files ) but not correct result.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2003


-- Anonymous, July 06, 2003

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