There is much to learn from our African brother and sisters! : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Sunday my church was blessed to have Rev. Martin Odeck from Nakura, Kenya. He is the pastor of Tehillah Gospel Assembly and independent church. His story was powerful, he told us how he was seperated from his father who was inroute to Uganda. His father never returned. He was 10 years old at the time. He lived for five years alone, in a garbage dump. He was not a christian at that time, but one day he did ask God to take his life. Soon after that a christian man found him and took him home to nurture him back to health. There is much more to this story, he is now pastor of 17 congregations and he and his wife take care of children orphaned from Aids. He talked about relying entirely on faith in God, how his people have learned to get up every day and ask God for what they need and to praise him continuously. He talked about how we as americans drive cars, go to mcdonalds, and other luxuries that we have. But he said it is he who has faith that is truly rich. He had also said that he had spoken in many churches in the six months he has been here but our congregation was truly holy spirit inspired. We all wished he could have stayed longer so that we could learn about our christian sisters and brothers in Africa. There is so much we can learn from our African family for in the midst of pain, there is faith. I pray that all of us will be grateful for what we have in America, but let us remember our churches in Africa, that can use our financial help, let us pray for our african pastors who are walking to preach the gospel, going into the bush to preach the gospel we must help our sisters and brothers in Africa, how can we be silent when the needs of our churches and africa as a whole are so vocal. We have several pastors from Africa who read our board. Rev. Biwa, Rev. Hanse, Rev. Ursula Higgins and I am sure there are more. Let our local wms society take on the ministry of helping our family in Africa. And lastly we will receive the blessing from them, for they are our leaders and teachers.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2002


Indeed my sister. Africa offers so much because of its diverse and contrasting nature. Africa follows many traditions and sometimes it is so magnificent to see how pastors struggle to accomodate these traditions within the framework of Christianity. I agree with you my sister, when you say that there is much to be learned from Africa. I had a group of Christian brothers and sisters from Europe. They were from the Lutheran Church in Germany. This pastor was confessing that perhaps it has become high time that Europe start to learn from Africa as far as missionary work is concern. In the same vein I think most of the Bishops coming to Africa after being elected at the General Conference, learn far more than they pick up in the states about mission work. God bless!!

-- Anonymous, September 09, 2002

Rev. Biwa I want to learn more about the churches in Africa. In your post you said there are diverse traditions that have to be encompassed when promoting the gospel of Christ. (I am paraphrasing) What do you mean by that statement. I also have to tell you the pastor from Kenya said I look like the people from kenya, I laughed because I said my heart belongs to Namibia. Rev. Biwa you are a blessing on the board, could you also tell us what is happening in your church. I know you pastor the mother church for your district.

-- Anonymous, September 09, 2002

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