Wiring a HO #6 Shinarro double slip Turnout

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

We are building a large modular layout which will be used for shows around the area. We've installed a couple of Shinarro double slip turnouts but are having some trouble figuring out how to wire the turnouts so there will not be any dead spots. We are using some old Lambert switch machines to throw the turnouts. In the past-about twenty years ago-I used the Lambert contacts to route power to the double slip and they worked great. But for some reason can not remember how I did it. (Must be suffering from CRS) In any event, those were the days of DC but now we are going with DCC (Digitrax). Can you help?

-- Robert Bale (TPB51@aol.com), September 06, 2002


This isn't what you want to hear, but this keeps coming up. From my web page on Wiring Turnouts:

SUGGESTION #2-10: Avoid the Use of Double-Slip Turnouts.

It's a darn complicated thing! At least on one manufacturer, several of the little rail pieces are not powered. (That's the Shinohara.) It's no wonder engines frequently stop on them. Typically, a double-slip is used where switching is required. This means small engines and going slow - no chance to coast through. If you are using an 0-4-0T, you are definitely going to have problems. If you feel you must use these, be forewarned.

It might be possible to power all these little unpowered pieces. I decided not to use them anymore than work through this. I have seen one way to wire a double slip on the Internet, but it was not automatic. It had several toggle switches associated with it. (It was rather complicated.) I don't think this is what we want.

I understand the need fo space, but using a double-slip is somewhat of trading one problem for another.

Even if I could come with a way to automatically (using DCC auto reverse boosters or equivelent) properly power a double slip, there really are a lot of little pieces of track. Trying to solder to them is what I consider beyond reasonable and don't recommend it. By this I mean, if I think it's going to be hard, and I can solder almost anything, than I know virtually all model railroaders will not consider the task or would severely damage the turntout trying.

-- Allan Gartner (bigboy@WiringForDCC.com), September 08, 2002.

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