reticulation : LUSENET : Advanced Photography : One Thread

I have to shoot a roll that i'm going to put through reticulation, and I was told 1) to use tri-x or pro-x film and 2) to use ISO 125 film, are both of these essential? What if I used arista 125?

-- meghan (, September 06, 2002


Hi, I have had several attempts at creating reticulation, using various film. Research has informed me that the modern film now has a high tolerance to temp changes. I have found a film made in Croatia that uses an emulsion formula from the mid 20th century. The disributer is based in Berlin, Fotoimpex (ckeck out thier website) ordering is safer with credit card over the phone. The film is EFKE and comes in both roll and sheet form. The ASA ratings are 25,50 and 100. I have read reviews from others who have used this successfully. Hope this helps.

-- Alan Worthington (, January 21, 2003.

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