Daily Herb Listing - Jaborandi

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Style Homesteading : One Thread

September 6, 2002


Latin Name: Pilocarpus microphyllus


Parts Used: Leaves.

Properties: Diaphoretic, Diuretic, Expectorant, Stimulant.

Internal Uses: Eye Floaters, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Meniere's Disease

Internal Applications: Pilocarpine stimulates salivation and increased heart rate. Jaborandi stimulates the muscles that cause the eye to contract, thus relieving the pressure of glaucoma, which can reduce the incidence of blindness.

Topical Uses: Balding, Pupil Dilation

Topical Applications: Scalp conditioner and hair rinse for preventing baldness. Used in eye drops to contract the pupil after atropine use.

Chemical Constituents: Imidazole alkaloids (pilocarpine, pilosine, isopilocarpine), essential oil (pinene, caryophyllene, limonene).

Contraindications: Use only the fresh plant. It can cause stinging sensation when applied to eyes.

Comments: Native to Brazil. When a leaf of Jaborandi is held up to the light, one can observe its alkaloid-filled oil glands.

The common name includes the species Pilocarpus jaborandi, which is used interchangeably with Pilocarpus microphyllus.

-- Cheryl in KS (klingonbunny@planetkc.com), September 06, 2002


-- Cheryl in KS (klingonbunny@planetkc.com), September 06, 2002.

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