Hi All!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News - Homefront Preparations : One Thread

I just wanted to say Hi All! I do so hope that everyone enjoyed the Labor Day weekend. I did.

I haven't been around much as of late, but hopefully that is changing. I'm giving you warning. LOL

I've been busy with work, and trying to help the MIL fix her house. That is a very long story and one that doesn't need to get aired here, but needless to say that I'm fed up and won't be spending my spare time or my money over there trying to help her anymore! Hubby is free to help as is his choice, and he doesn't blame me one bit for feeling the way that I do.

Anyways, after getting fed up at her house Saturday, I let my son have a friend over for a sleep over. Those boys are normally very energetic and keep me on my toes. They were wonderful! So much so that when asked if my son could spend the night at his friends on Sunday, I said sure why not!

I had Sunday afternoon/evening to myself completely! I didn't do anything exciting, just spent the time taking an hour nap (which was needed) and cleaning the house. Monday, I hit a huge sale at Hancock's and well... hubby is a little pissed. I spent 150.00 getting supplies to make new curtains for the bedroom. (He isn't really pissed, but puts up a good front ... he really just wants me to be happy!) He just likes to bitch and moan everytime I go into a fabric store.

I spent the remainder of Monday making new Bishop's Sleeve curtains with a balloon valance in a dark blue jacquard lined with white on white paisley. Beautiful blue/gold sheers are now made and hanging as well.

I'll be making a comforter out of the remainding jacquard fabric. It may be a while before we get to take down that butt ugly wallpaper, so why not at least have something that matches.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2002


Glad to see you, Apoc!

I think I know about home repairs and annoying relatives. I have some in FL that are crying real tears because I won't fly down and help them get their trailers ready for the winter. You may or may not remember that I ended up going down last August, doing some work myself and supervisoring day laborers. Given the problems with flying, I made it very clear that I'm **not** leaving the state of Ohio right now and that they will have to pick up the phone and get workers for whatever needs to be done.

OH! The phone calls I've been getting . . . OUCH!

But after having been stuck in LA over 9/11 last year, I would rather not repeat anything like that experience.

Although I must add that I have a lot more folks to crash with between Tampa and Cols than LA and Cols if I had to drive! (:

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2002

Meemur, couldn't you just paddle your way back up the Mississippi??

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2002

LOL, Brooks! I did think about that, but I'd still have to portage from the Ohio River to Cols. (;

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2002

hi all...been busy having 4 yrs of good 4 yr old manure removed from the back pasture! also, working on the front porch that never got done.

Having the TB/IC picnic Oct 19th so I have to "eat a bite at a time" getting ready for it!

Open invite to anyone here!

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2002

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