Daily Herb Listing - Lambsquarter

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Style Homesteading : One Thread

August 29, 2002


Latin Name: Chenopodium album

Alternate Names: Wild Spinach, Goosefoot, Pigweed, Fat Hen, Indian Spinach


Parts Used: Stems, leaves, seeds.

Properties: Antiscorbutic, Diuretic, Nutritive

Internal Uses: Anemia, Inflammation, Rheumatism

Internal Applications: Eat as food.

Throughout history, Lambsquarter has been used as a nourishing food during times of war and famine.

Topical Uses: Headache, Inflammation, Sunburn, Toothache

Topical Applications: Poultice for headache and sunburn, inflammation, and rheumatism. Use as a mouthwash for toothaches.

Culinary uses: Eat raw in salads. Cook like spinach. Lambsquarter is a relative of spinach and beets but is much easier to grow. Can be dried, frozen or canned for winter use. Seeds can be ground into a flour. Can be fed to animals as fodder.

Energetics: Sweet, Warm.

Chemical Constituents: Beta carotene, vitamin B-2, niacin, calcium, iron, phosphorus.

Contraindications: Contains oxalic acid. Avoid eating excessively. If used frequently, be sure to include calcium from other sources, as oxalic acid can inhibit calcium absorption.

Comments: The genus name, Chenopodium, is derived from the Greek chen, meaning 'goose', and podus, meaning 'foot'. This is because the shape of the leaf looks like a goose's foot. The species name album means white and refers to the whitish beads of moisture that form on top of the plant.

The common name Lambsquarter includes the species Chenopodium capitatum, which is used interchangeably with Chenopodium album.

-- Cheryl in KS (klingonbunny@planetkc.com), August 29, 2002


Cheryl...would you happen to have a picture of Lambsquarter? I think this might be the "weed" that I have growing in my garden :-)!! Thanx!

-- Marcia (HrMr@webtv.net), September 03, 2002.

Here's one:

and here's another:

-- Cheryl in KS (klingonbunny@planetkc.com), September 03, 2002.

Yup...that's what I have! Thanx, Cheryl!!

-- Marcia (HrMr@webtv.net), September 03, 2002.

I have that everywhere! I had no idea! I'll have ta take a nibble.

-- Patty (SycamoreHollow@aol.com), September 04, 2002.

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