Weekly Devotional (New Life for Your Soul - August 26, 2002)

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The word for the week is CONTENT

Scripture: "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" Hebrews 13:5

You are blessed. If you woke up this morning, you are blessed. You have clothes to wear, food to eat and a place to lay your head - You are blessed. And many of us have more clothes than we can wear in a month, and more shoes than Lord and Taylor's sells. You are blessed. Even without material goods, you have family and friends. You may not like them all, but you are blessed to have them all. We have schools, jobs, sunshine, rain, and many other amenities in life. For this I can say, I am blessed and You are blessed.

Even with all of our blessings, we often find ourselves looking at other people's things or situations and wishing something for our own. The usual case is that no matter how much you have, you still want more. I remember as a small child, I couldn't wait to reach middle school, and then when I reached middle school I spent all of my time thinking about high school. The same thing happened with high school, all I could think about was college, and then the same thing happened in graduate school. I finally realized I was living so much in anticipation that I could not appreciate the moment I was living in. I could not be content in the state that I was in.

In the thirteenth chapter of Hebrews, the writer was asking the people to be content with what they had. He (or she) was reminding them that they did not have to be jealous of other people's blessings, because the Lord had made promises specific to their situation. Thanks be to God, this message applied back then to that church and it applies today to us. We have to take time and be content for what we already have.

It is not wrong to anticipate the future or to look forward to bigger and better things, but we also must take time to Thank the Lord for what he has already done and for what he is doing right now as we anticipate his blessings in the future. This week, let us take time to be content with our present situations, as we continue to labor for the Lord. As an old church mother said in prayer meeting one day "Lord, if you don't ever bless me again, you've done more than enough" To that I say Amen! God is more than enough! God blesses us more than enough! We don't have to worry - in all things, it's more than enough!

""When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say: It is well, with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul"

Let us pray: Dear Lord, thank you for all that you have done for me. May my life be a blessing to your kingdom, In Jesus' name, Amen.

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My brothers and sisters in Christ, this message comes to you to bring NEW LIFE to bless your spirit. It is a weekly newsletter and prayer with a word from the Lord. If you do not wish to receive this mailing, simply write back and your name will be omitted from future mailings.

-- Anonymous, August 27, 2002


AMEN!!!! Much too often , we are quick to say we understand what it means to be content in whatever state, but are we really content. That nagging about what if?, What I've discovered, is when that nagging comes, step back, inhale...exhale...and say Lord , have your way....forgive me. I know you've got it all in control and for that I am soooo thankful!


-- Anonymous, September 04, 2002

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