Daily Herb Listing - Teasel

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Style Homesteading : One Thread

August 19, 2002


Latin Name: Dipsacus fullonum

Alternate Names: Brushes And Combs, Venus Basin, Water Thistle


Parts Used: Root.

Properties: Alterative, Aperient, Astringent, Circulatory Stimulant, Diaphoretic, Digestive Tonic, Diuretic, Opthalmic, Stomach Tonic, Sudorific, Tonic.

Internal Uses: Arthritis, Cancerous Sores, Diarrhea, Jaundice, Pregnancy Bleeding, Rheumatism, Threatened Miscarriage

Internal Applications: Tea, Tincture, Capsules.

It helps arthritis caused by weak bones, fascia and tendons. Teasel improves circulation and tonifies the kidneys and liver.

Topical Uses: Eye Inflammation, Itchy Skin, Sties, Warts, Wounds

Topical Applications: Use as an eyewash for sties and inflamed eyes, and as a skin wash for itchy skin and wounds. Use a poultice for warts. It is often used in dried flower arrangements.

Energetics: Bitter, Warm.

Chemical Constituents: Inulin, bitter substances, sabioside, benzene, alkaloid (lamine), essential oil.

Comments: The tops of Teasel, which have downward hooked bracteoles, have long been used to 'tease' or fluff wool and the felt on pool tables. The water that collects where the leaves join to form a basin has been referred to as 'Venus' bath' and was once thought to be therapeutic for the eyes, dark circles and wrinkles.

The common name Teasel includes the species Dipsacus sylvestris, which is used interchangeably with Dipsacus fullonum.

-- Cheryl in KS (klingonbunny@planetkc.com), August 19, 2002


Here's a pic:

-- Cheryl in KS (klingonbunny@planetkc.com), August 19, 2002.

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