O Canada...! The Climbing Canadian Conferencegreenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
I was surprised at the amount of potential to the north...in Canada! Rev. Gregory Wilson, the pastor of Grant in Toronto and another church outside of the city ( a recently formed congregation) preached a dynamic annual sermon! Bishop Philip Cousin presided over the conference and remarked upon the growth occuring in Canada. In two years, new congregations have been started with others to follow. There is a church in Montreal with 63 members and preparing to build a new edifice...two years ago there was no real AME presence in Montreal! Grant in Toronto is filled with persons eager to learn about the church, mostly youth and young adults. Windsor has two churches...and one is preparing to build! I was able to tell them about the website (a special shout-out to Rev. John Fisher and his vision) to be informed, especially upon the upcoming WMS Meeting in Dallas (2003). With God, prayer, teaching and patience, more growth will be expected in years to come! Be encouraged!
-- Anonymous, August 16, 2002
Ray thanks for sharing the good news about Canada. Rev. Wilson has been holding God's territory in the north so more congregations can be built. thank you Rev. Wilson. This is indeed exciting to hear about the young people. I know our church is planting a second church in another city and the president of our youth group said "Pastor Wow! Youth group is helping to plant a church"! God is doing great things in our denomination. Welcome to the new ame today family from Canada, I hope you will post so that we can get to know you. God bless.
-- Anonymous, August 16, 2002
God's got an army Marching through the LandGreetings Dear Brother Canada truely is an untapped land for the Church. As a former student in Canada there have never been much influence of the Black Church through the 70's and 80's. It is great to hear your great news. Our prayers are for continued growth in the land of the Maple Leaf.
God Bless You and my Chairman (your Bishop) Bishop Cousin
-- Anonymous, August 16, 2002