Juice Train Pre Merger

greenspun.com : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

Prior to the SCL merger, where did the Juice Train enter the SAL main line from Bradenton?

-- Carey Stevens (ca.stevens@att.net), August 14, 2002


hello carey, troy is correct,the route began at palmetto not parrish ,oops, Itracked the line on a s.c.l time table from the early 70s. and it is consistant with what troy wrote

-- mike hart (hartotsouth@yahoo.com), August 15, 2002.

from the Palmetto subdivision, it joined (SAL) SW line at Palmetto (AZA 915 / SW 870), north to parrish (SW 860 north to wimauma (SW 848), durant (SW 833 / SZ 833) join SZ Line to WELCOME (SZ 844 / SV 834) where it then headed north to plant city (SV 823 / S 823) where it joined the S Line north to freedom

at least thats how i think it happened, im pretty sure there was not an (westbound) wye so trains could join the S-line at valrico, where the S-line headed northeast to plant city. Im sure if i am incorrect i will be made aware of it

-- troy nolen (tnolen12@tampabay.rr.com), August 15, 2002.

Mike, so North from Durant and entered at Plant City? Entering the wye from the South leg?

-- Carey Stevens (ca.stevens@att.net), August 15, 2002.

carey tropicana did not run a juice train until after the merger . the first route was along the s line (scl parrish sub ) byepassing tampa to prevent crew changes. the train enterd at parrish florida and went north to durant and from there alonge the s line to baldwin, i hope this helps, M.Hart

-- mike hart (hartotsouth@yahoo.com), August 14, 2002.

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